August 2023 Mining Engineer School Room Assignment


In the lead-up to the August 2023 Mining Engineer Licensure Exam (MTLE), the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) of the Philippines has made available the roster of room assignments a few days before the commencement of the examinations.

Scheduled to take place from August 22nd to 24th, 2023, the Mining Engineer board assessments are set to occur at PRC testing centers situated in NCR, Baguio, Butuan, Cebu, Davao, and Legazpi.

Heading the Board of Mining Engineering is its Chairman, Cornelio Q. Casido, alongside members Rufino B. Bomasang and Augusto C. Villaluna.

Those preparing to take the exams are advised to confirm their allocated rooms either through the provided links or by referring to notifications and announcements on the official PRC website. The room assignments for the August 2023 Mining Engineer licensure exams can be found below.

Test takers are required to arrive prior to 5:30 AM on the specified date, as individuals arriving late will not be allowed entry. Additionally, examination fees will be confiscated for examinees who arrive late.

On the day of the exams, it's important to remember the essential items to bring along for the examination process. These items include your Notice of Admission and Official Receipt, which serve as proof of your registration. Make sure to have a metered-stamped window mailing envelope, as well as two or more pencils (preferably NO. 2) and ball pens with black ink. Organize your documents in a long brown envelope, and also bring a long transparent or plastic envelope for safeguarding your valuables and any other permitted items. It's crucial to adhere to health protocols, so ensure you have your Health Forms according to Memorandum No. 68, series of 2020. If applicable, bring along Negative RT-PCR Test Results or a Certificate of Quarantine as outlined in Memorandum No. 68, series of 2020. By having all these items in order, you'll be well-prepared for a smooth examination experience.

Prohibited items during board exams encompass a range of articles that can provide unfair advantages or facilitate cheating. This includes reference materials such as books, notes, and review aids containing concealed information or formulas. Additionally, programmable calculators, often capable of storing preloaded data, are not permitted. Electronic gadgets like smartwatches from brands like Apple and Samsung, along with cellular phones and various communication-enabled devices like earplugs and transmitters, are strictly disallowed due to their potential for information exchange. Portable computers, Bluetooth devices, and other electronic tools that could enable communication are also on the list of prohibited items. Even bags of any kind are not allowed within the exam premises to maintain an environment of fairness and integrity.

If individuals are seeking further clarification, the PRC has recommended reaching out via email to the Licensure Exam Division using the provided contact details: and To stay informed about ongoing developments concerning the August 2023 Mining Engineering board exam and other pertinent notifications, we suggest that our visitors save this webpage, explore the official PRC website, and engage with us on social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter. Additionally, they can also participate in discussions among fellow members by joining our dedicated Facebook Group.

August 2023 Mining Engineer School Room Assignment







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